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Audio Equipment

We have a varied election of new high end, moderately priced, all speed,  stereo turntables.

You will find below a listing of our audio equipment. You can click the items that have blue backgrounds for expanded information on the equipment listing.

If you have any questions whatsoever about what you see, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Belts for turntables: $12.00

Replacement dust cover: $45.00

Mat (rubber) for turntables: $12.00

Slip Mats (Black Felt) for cuing: $6.00

Spare Headshell (Rodine jr/CVS): $16.00

Spare Headshell (Kit of 5): $65.00

Vertical/Lateral Switch (Vintage/Rodine Jr): $40.00

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Walter Smith Owner

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